Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D Movie Review
Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D Movie Review
Neil Soans, Sep 14, 2017, 11.42 PM IST
Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, Robert Patrick, Joe Morton
Direction: James Cameron
Genre: Sci-Fi
Duration: 2 hours 17 minutes
Story: Two humanoid cyborgs travel back in time to battle each other over John Connor - the leader of the human resistance in a futuristic war against Artificial Intelligence.
Review: In 1984, writer-director James Cameron created an iconic entity in the 'Terminator' - a heartless and relentless cyborg that looked human but only on the outside. The Terminator could not be stopped or reasoned with; he would destroy everything in his path till he completed his singular mission. If there was ever an actor best suited to play a robotic, expressionless, and intimidating machine, who better than Arnold Schwarzenegger? Building on his status as an action superstar, Cameron capitalized on this genius casting by flipping the horrific antagonist into a protective warrior in the 1991 sequel. Cameron also pushed the boundaries of the visual effects industry at that point, by establishing standards that are still being followed till today. What's truly astounding is how they have managed to still look new and fresh in this remastered version.
However, none of that would matter in the absence of a thrilling story that picked up where the prequel left off and took the franchise to a whole new direction. Cameron built on what worked the first time around and added crucial emotional beats here as well. There's a strong sense of family between the T-800 (Schwarzenegger) and the Connors (Linda Hamilton & Edward Furlong), even when they're all flawed in their own unique ways. This bond is what pushes them to confront the adversity they encounter in the form of the advanced liquid metal cyborg, played so despicably by Robert Patrick. His menacing, shape-shifting T-1000 is the perfect foil to Schwarzenegger's bulking juggernaut. Sparks literally fly when they collide, and it's a thrilling sight, especially in 3D. Modern superhero films can still learn a few things from this action classic.
'T2' truly stands the test of time with a great story combined with smart, and efficient special effects that complement the narrative. After all, the threat of global nuclear annihilation is extremely relevant today, while artificial intelligence sits on the verge of autonomous sentience. This film raised the bar extremely high for action blockbusters and would become a game-changer in the industry - even if the 'Terminator' franchise would go on to crumble under heavy expectations. Though you might have watched it repeatedly on cable TV, you simply do not want to miss the surreal and futuristic experience of 'T2' on the big screen, remastered in 3D!
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